I was a registered nurse and midwife for 35+ years, working within the NHS, where I had a particular interest in helping women with phobias and fears and those traumatised by their birth experience.
I have a BSc (Hons) First Class in Psychology and am a Certified Trauma Resolution Practitioner.
I am on the board of the International Canine Behaviourists, as well as being a full member.
I specialise in separation anxiety, fears, phobias and reactivity and I believe in supporting both ends of the lead holistically to achieve harmony within the household.
For humans I offer Trauma Resolution Therapy and Emotional Freedom Technique.
For animals I offer Behavioural Support, ACE Free Work, TTouch, Aromatherapy, Acupressure and Herbs for animal self-selection. I am a member of the Association of Natural Animal Wellness Practitioners.